Thursday, April 5, 2012

E is for...


Who knew it would be so hard to exercise when you never leave the house, LOL!!

My exercise pre-Islam consisted mostly of stretching and swimming. I would do extensive stretching each day (about 30 minutes) and when I got to the pool I would swim about a half mile in laps. This is not feasible anymore because women-only gyms are not very popular in the US yet, unfortunately. At ones with swimming pools...

Post-Islam during University it consisted of walking around campus for classes. I had to park my car 15 minutes walk off campus. There was a 5-10 minute walk to each class. They call our campus "the hill" so you can imagine it was a quite vigorous walk..

Post-University it has consisted of... nothing.

I figured that stretching is something I can definitely do in the house so I have started to stretch again every day.

Also, I talked to a new sister that I met (mashaAllah she is super sweet!!) who gave me some good exercises I can do inside my living room, YAY! These thinks called "burpees" which involve a lot of jumping and kicking, jumping jacks, squats, and running in place for now, but as I progress I will add more inshaAllah :-D

How do you exercise post-Islam/post-marriage/post-baby??


  1. I think most of my exercise comes from just walking around campus. My campus is small but walking is walking I guess. When I go home I play badminton with my family which is really fun. We have a net set up in the back yard. In my dorm room I try to do some jump roping every day. I've also begun to play some tennis, but only about once a week, which is great exercise with all the running around.

    1. lol yeah for sure. during college i went to a checkup at the doctors and she asked me if i exercised. I was like... not really.
      She said do you walk around campus? lol She said that is at least 30 minutes of walking 5 times a week. It turns out to be a lot of exercise actually!

  2. Something easy is to walk. I walk 1 hour per day. And do some exercises home too..........there are many Youtube channels to help.
    All the best!

    1. I will look at youtube inshaAllah. I like to walk, but until now its been really cold out so its easier to wrap up in a blankie and stay warm on the couch haha. Having things I can do in the house is much easier though.
