Sunday, February 19, 2012

Truly Practicing - Any Advice?

Salam 3alaikum ya banaat,

This is a little off the topic of marriage but it is something that I'm dealing with now.

I have and have had a very strong belief in Islam that, alhamdulillah, has never faltered since the day I converted to Islam.

However the last few months I am having difficulty keeping up with all of the things that I use to do to actually practice my religion. MashaAllah I use to pray my sunnah prayers and fast regularly and constantly be reading and learning about Islam but lately my motivation seems to be getting less and it is really scaring me because I don't want to become the kind of person who talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk.

I feel like my iman (belief) is strong, I feel so convicted that Islam is the right way, but practice has become... harder.

It started when I moved back in with my parents a few months ago (who are not muslim).  Alhamdulillah it is a little better since I got married, but I still feel that I am not up to my own standards.

I think it is a test, and maybe everyone goes through this at some point, but it scares me and I want to do better inshaAllah.

Do you have any advice? What are good steps to help correct this problem? Anyone else having/had this problem?


  1. I can relate. I think we all go through ups and downs in our iman or practice. Guilt usually gets me though.

    1. yes I am feeling quite guilty...

      i'm hoping that is a good sign though since it shows i still care.

  2. This is not a faltering in your faith or a lack of commitment. it is just a struggle with discipline. And it happens to all of us. My mother who has been regular with her prayers since she was a child and is a very spiritual person once told me that even she goes through phases when she performs her prayers in a perfunctionary way and can't concentrate on them fully. Its perfectly normal. Dont beat yourself about it or be guilty. That will just put you off it even more. I have seen alot of my elders say that it happens and its a cyclical thing. you'll be back on track soon enough. it will take alot more than a lack of will power to sever your relationship with Allah. Keep at it :)

    1. yes, it is a struggle with discipline, you're right. i am trying not to get frustrated with myself because i know it might make it worse. i don't want to resent it, i just want to do what is right, yo know what i mean?

  3. W aleykum assalaam :) My advice is to make a lot of duaa :) If you are not satisfied with your actions, you can ask Allah swt to help you and to give you the strength and discipline to perform them in a better way :) We all have our ups and downs though, it's normal. But it's good to keep an eye on it, and to make an extra effort if we feel our imaan is a bit low. Good luck, my sister, I'll keep you in my prayers :) x

    1. jazakillah khair safiyah, thank you. i decided to start small, so instead of getting up right away from salah i keep myself sitting and make dhikr. then i added witr prayer after isha since it is minimum one rakah, then i added sunnah for fajr. that is where i am now, and inshaAllah will add maghreb sunnah next inshaAllah!
